Thursday, December 20, 2007


Last week, I spent a week at my Gran and Grandad's house in the south of England, which I always enjoy. It's so much more peaceful than Birmingham! And the company's great, always nice to chat and catch up (not to mention the meals!). It also gave me loads of time to finish re-draft #5 of my novel and get it ready to send to publishers before I go to Japan (hopefully).

But anyway, the point of the story, they had a Christmas dinner party and two other couples came round. They were all so well-travelled, with so many funny and interesting stories, that I thought - this is what I want. In fifty years, I want to be able to say, "Oh yeah, when I was in Japan for the second time...", "When I was 18, I went to Barcelona and..." or "Last month, I was in Helsinki...".

It was an extra boost to give this trip my all and try my very best to make it work. Sakura House have taken my deposit from my account and everything is going smoothly planning-wise. 17 days to go!!


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