Monday, October 13, 2008


This is something I forgot to write about when it actually happened, but I thought I should add it in retrospect.

After I got back from Japan on 7th August, I went on holiday with my family to Norfolk on the 10th. I was okay for the first two or so days there, but then I became so tired every day. I ended up sleeping for around 10 hours every night, and then anything except sitting around and eating made me tired.

It wasn't very pleasant because I sometimes had to take a nap after going out to recharge some lost energy.

If you experience this, don't worry, because it passed after a week and then my sleep pattern was normal and I had energy in the day again.

I guess it was just caused by the stress and everything finally ending once I was back at home. I was so busy during that last month in Japan, I didn't had time to relax or reflect on anything.

It may have just been me though, so don't take it for granted that you will be that tired once you return from travelling!

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