Saturday, December 27, 2014

Return to Japan

As part of my current round-the-world trip, I finally made it back to Japan. After a ridiculous four years away from that country that I love.

I wasn't originally planning to go back to Japan, because it's a relatively expensive country and I felt I should be spending my money on new countries and new experiences. But in the end my heart got the better of me, and I had to go back.

I don't regret it for a second. I've never had more friends in Tokyo than right now, and I stayed with several different friends, including a Japanese friend so I finally got to meet her family. It was a magical three weeks - full of reunions, visiting my old haunts and my university, and eating SO MUCH JAPANESE FOOD. It was incredible.

I've been away from it for two weeks now, and already my heart is yearning to go back. It was a kind of test for myself, to see if I still love the country as much as I did, and if it's a possible option for me to live there again.

My conclusion - it's a definite contender. Tokyo is such an electrifying city, and I've always loved it. I'm going to have to see how I feel when I go back to the UK in a couple of months. If moving to London is enough of a new adventure for me then I'm happy to stay in the UK. (My family might kill me if I go home after a year away and then immediately disappear again). But if the opportunity comes up in the future, I'd love to live in Japan again.

If you're interesting in following my travels around the world, I'm keeping a separate blog called Travelling Miles.

It's the best decision I've ever made, and I'm having the time of my life. If you're on the edge and can't decide whether to make the leap and go travelling, maybe my experiences will give you the push you need. It's so worth it.

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