Sunday, March 9, 2008

Do I Enjoy Gaba?

A few more questions have been asked about what I think of Gaba, and I think it might help for you to know what my feelings are.

1. I'm just wondering how GABA is for you personally? In terms of, how 'easy' it is to work with GABA (in terms of no complications)?

Relatively simple actually. They ask a lot though. For example, extra days of pointless, repetitive training, the occassional random test they ask you to do in return for next month's pay, and the like. But working there helped me get a bank account, which has made life much easier! The system takes a little bit of getting used to but I think I understand how it all works now.

2. How convenient is it for you?

I think the job works very well for Working Holiday makers. It gives me the flexibility to easily take time off for travelling and you can work your Gaba schedule around private students or other commitments like study etc.

3. How is the pay working out for you?

The pay is okay. It's one of the lowest in the eikaiwa (conversation school) industry, at Y1,400 (£7) per 40 minute lesson, soon to be raised to Y1,500 (£7.50). It's not too bad though. Every weekend I generally earn about £100.

4. Do you enjoy working there?

This is a tough question to answer. And the simple reply is 'yes', but I think you might want more than that. It's definitely more stressful than teaching private students, and it feels a bit stiff as you have to wear a suit for the lessons, but if the students are friendly and enjoy chatting, then it's very rewarding, and you can really enjoy the day.

5. Have you stopped job hunting now?

Yes, I've finished job hunting now. Until my private students move on, I have the income I need and I'm supported enough.

I hope this answers your questions and dispels any fears you may have!

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